Withered from the years, the old man sits.
He sits on the rocking chair that him and his wife bought when they first got married.
His beautiful wife. His life long friend.
When they got married she told him she would never leave him,
and here he is sitting alone.
When they got married she wore the most beautiful white lace dress,
it was her grandmothers.
He wore an old moth eaten tuxedo that he found at a pawn shop.
As they said I do and kiss
They move into their first house.
The paint would become yellow the kitchen would look well used.
The wood floors would become scratched because of the furniture.
Their love would make the house a home.
Their children would come running through the halls.
Little footsteps and hand prints would be found all over.
Adorable giggling could be heard every twenty seconds.
The joy was unexplainable.
The kids grow old and they stand at their weddings.
They wave goodbye to their children for they know they will see them soon.
Grand kids would then enter into their lives bringing them a new love and hope for the future.
Things to remember.
The worst year this granddad could have. Happened.
His best friend that he had for years had left him in the night.
Her last breaths were drawn and in the morning all was left was her cold body.
His loving wife was gone.
He sits thinking of mistakes and regrets.
He thinks of the future he has left for his children.
He thinks of the love and legend he has left behind.
Withered from the years, the old man sits.
Love you grandpa,